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Friday, April 1, 2011

A Picture a Day for 7 Days... Day 1.

I got this idea from one of the blogs I follow (Cozy Cottage Cute), and thought it would be easy enough to do myself. I'm kind of in the middle of lots of little crafty things right now, but nothing finished to post.

So, here goes! My first photo, of 7. This was taken yesterday while we were walking by the river. The blue herons are nesting, and I just thought it looked so cool!
Yes, those are all heron nests. Another month and all the baby herons will be hatching, then they'll be gone until next year.


  1. That is so cool, I've never seen anything like it before! :)

  2. Looks like real estate is at a premium in this neck of the woods...pretty cool. I am doing the photo challenge too, so stop on by :)

  3. Great pic! Also doing Sarah's photo a day so come on over and visit. Would love to see you there.
